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We are uniquely positioned in the software development world to provide the following services:

Custom Software Development

Any need, idea or requirement can be turned into a Windows or Internet based application with ease.   We combine  your requirements with our skills to produce a program that is of commercial software quality.  None of the usual "code monkey sweat shop" un-useable, un-attractive, non-functioning programs from us.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS)

Not sure how to describe the program you require to the level of detail that a requirements document can be produced?  We can assist with that too.

Testing / Quality Control

The program's done but not quite ready for release.  We can help with that too.

Documentation / Help / White Papers

It's done but the final touches need to be finished too.



Send mail to avert@telusplanet.net with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 19, 2008